On August 5-7, 2022, the Second MI-U.S.A. National Elective Assembly was held in Peoria, Illinois, presided by the International President of the Militia of the Immaculata, Miquel Bordas Proszynski, who was accompanied by Fr. Gilson Miguel Nunes OFM Conv., the Delegate of the MI International Assistant.
The Assembly started on Friday, August 5, 2022 with the Holy Mass presided by the Most Reverend Louis Tylka, Bishop of Peoria, who spoke of the powerful impact St. Maximilian Kolbe's testimony has had on him.
The outgoing National President, John W. Galten, presented the 2016-2022 Report and addressed questions. A Eucharistic Holy Hour followed. The work of the Assembly continued on Saturday, August 6, with the opening remarks by the International President, who thanked the outgoing National President and his Council for their leadership, sharing some reflections and suggestions. The participants first elected the new MI-U.S.A. National President in the person of Ronald L. Rodrigues and subsequently the Council, made up of the following members: Michael Wick (VP), Julie Elkinton, Donna Masek, Clifford Azize and Geoffrey Butz. In the afternoon, after the election of the Board of Auditors, the participants shared ideas and proposals for the future vitality and mission of the MI in the U.S.A. During his closing remarks, the Delegate of the MI International Assistant, Father Gilson M. Nunes, reiterated the closeness and the bond between the Franciscan Conventual Order and the Militia of the Immaculata, thanks to the Kolbean heritage that calls to work together for the cause of the Immaculata.The National Assembly ended on Sunday, August 7, with a joyful celebration at the Little Garden of the Immaculata, the MI-U.S.A. national headquarters, where Fr. Thomas Check, OFM Conv., MI National Assistant, gave a special blessing to the new President and Council as they embark on their new mission.
* The newly elected MI National President Ronald Rodrigues is a U.S. Department of the Army program manager. He and his wife Inmaculada live in Harvest, Alabama, and have two daughters and four grandchildren.
Left to right in the picture:
Clifford Azize, Donna Masek, Fr. Thomas Czeck, OFM Conv., Ronald Rodrigues, Michael Wick, Julie Elkinton, Geoffrey Butz.