by Fr. Patrick Greenough, OFM Conv. MI National President USA & Canada
Joseph, THE Model of Consecration
If St. Maximilian were alive today I think that he would make St. Joseph the spiritual patron of the Militia of the Immaculata for he embodies everything that a member of the MI should be.
He was the First to be Consecrated.
In a dream, an angel of The Lord appeared to him and told him " Not to be afraid to take Mary into his home." (Mt. 1:20)
Neither should we ever be afraid to take Mary into our hearts and home for she carries with her, the Word made Flesh, Our Lord and Savior.
Rather than ever be afraid, like Joseph we should embrace her with all the love in our hearts.
Joseph was spiritually betrothed to Mary.
All that he had and was;
All of his heart and soul he gave to her completely and totally.
Is this not what each member of the MI is called to do in our consecration?
Who has ever done it more completely and fully than Joseph?
Lastly, from Bethlehem, to Egypt, to Jerusalem, to Nazareth, Joseph carried Mary and Jesus with him, loving them, watching over them, pouring out his love and honor and devotion upon them.
This is how we are to Evangelize in the MI.
We too are to carry Mary and Jesus with us wherever we go in the workplace, shopping, our neighborhood and our home with all the love and honor and devotion we have in our hearts.
So that on the last day, when we take our last breath, Mary and Jesus will still be at our side because through our Consecration, like Joseph, we never left them and they never left us.
And we too will die in Peace surrounded by Our Lord and Mary to whom we have consecrated our heart and soul, our love and devotion, our whole life, death and eternity.
So at the end of every renewal of our Consecration to the Blessed Virgin, I recommend that we say, "St. Joseph, Pray for us!"
Because he was the first to be Consecrated and the model of how to be Consecrated heart and soul to Mary.