On August 5-7, 2022, the Second MI-U.S.A. National Elective Assembly was held in Peoria, Illinois, presided by the International President of the Militia of the Immaculata, Miquel Bordas Proszynski, who was accompanied by Fr. Gilson Miguel Nunes OFM Conv., the Delegate of the MI International Assistant. The Assembly started on Friday, August 5, 2022 with the Holy Mass presided by the Most Reverend Louis Tylka, Bishop of Peoria, who spoke of the powerful impact St. Maximilian Kolbe's testimony has had on him.
This important new short film, released on the feast of St. Maximilian, Friday, August 14, beautifully and eloquently captures the essence of the MI: total consecration to the Immaculata in the evangelical spirit of St. Maximilian Kolbe. WATCH THE FILM: http://militiaoftheimmaculata.com/mi-movie/ Share the link with at least three people in your circle of friends! Tell your family and friends and promote the new film by posting on your favorite social media platform! Let's reach as many people as possible to win the world for Christ through the Immaculata!
It is with great joy that I announce to you that the MI National US has found a home in the diocese of Peoria, Illinois! Read the National President's Letter
This six-part Itinerary of Preparation for Consecration to the Immaculata in the Spirit of St. Maximilian Kolbe may be used in various ways: individually or as a group activity (in a parish setting, for example), or as a series of classes led by a facilitator, or during a day of preparation for MI consecration. These files are copyrighted but may be printed and reproduced, without changes, for use in preparing for consecration.
This six-part Itinerary of Preparation for Consecration to the Immaculata in the Spirit of St. Maximilian Kolbe may be used in various ways: individually or as a group activity (in a parish setting, for example), or as a series of classes led by a facilitator, or during a day of preparation for MI consecration. These files are copyrighted but may be printed and reproduced, without changes, for use in preparing for consecration.
Prepare for Easter by growing in your love of Christ through Mary through twelve lessons offered by the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology, founded by Dr. Scott Hahn. Just enter your email address in the video window to watch The Bible and the Virgin Mary. Let your total consecration to the Immaculata be renewed by this journey through Sacred Scripture! Be ready to be an ever more generous instrument in her immaculate hands so as to draw all hearts to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus!
Maria! Happy 100 years to you and all of the members of the MI, founded in 1917 by our beloved St. Maximilian! I hope that you will have local public celebrations of this event, or attend one of the three MI Centenary Celebrations scheduled around the country. We are also sponsoring an MI pilgrimage to Rome in October 2017 to visit special Kolbean sites and to attend the International MI Conference. Consider being part of this once-in-a-lifetime event!
Maria! Happy 100 years to you and all of the members of the MI, founded in 1917 by our beloved St. Maximilian! I hope that you will have local public celebrations of this event, or attend one of the three MI Centenary Celebrations scheduled around the country. We are also sponsoring an MI pilgrimage to Rome in October 2017 to visit special Kolbean sites and to attend the International MI Conference (see insert). Consider being part of this once-in-a-lifetime event!
Dear Knights of the Immaculata, Maria! The National United States MI Council met near Guerneville, CA, from Tuesday, January 24, to Friday, January 27, 2017. Although we have been meeting via monthly telephone calls, this was our first face-to-face meeting since June 2016, when we were canonically elected at the first MI Elective National Assembly to serve as your MI National Council. We were honored and delighted by the presence at the Council meeting of Fr. Raffaele Di Muro, the International President of the MI.
Dear MI Knights, We are grateful to announce that the MI National Office has officially moved to a temporary location in a local parish, Santa Maria del Popolo, in Mundelein, Illinois, as we discern where the Immaculata wants the MI National Center to locate permanently.
Dear MI Knights of the Immaculata! Greetings and prayers upon returning from Fatima, where I attended the MI International Congress, which marked the beginning of the 100th anniversary year observances. I will share my report on this special event in one of the upcoming MI publications. We look forward with hearts full of gratitude to celebrating the 100th anniversary in 2017 of Our Lady’s appearances at Fatima and the centenary of the MI.
Dear MI Members and Friends of Our Lady: As the newly elected President of the MI in the USA, recently I was informed by Fr. John Grigus, Rector of Marytown, that the MI National Council must leave Marytown. He cited finances and the changing mission of Marytown to a broader, more diversified vision of apostolates and ministries. This means Marytown will no longer be the National MI Center.
Dear MI Members, It is with great joy that I, John Galten, newly elected National President, and the members of the National MI Council: Michael Wick (Vice President), M. Kathleen O’Brien (Secretary), Antonella Di Piazza (Coordinator), Juliann Elkinton (Council member), and Roy Samson (National Director of MI Youth and Young Adults), introduce ourselves to you and pledge our strongest efforts to prosper the work of the Immaculata.
by Fr. Raffaele Di Muro, MI International President
Dear Shevawn, As I participated in the first MI National Assembly held in the USA, I listened with deep admiration to the report about MI Youth and Young Adults, which you served as National Director and Coordinator for the past eighteen years. I could not help but recognize the passion, dedication and professionalism with which the ideals of St. Maximilian Kolbe have been transmitted to young people through the MI Youth programs, retreats and events, especially the MAX evangelization outreach, around the country and beyond.
On June 3-5, 2016, the First Elective Assembly of the MI in the United States was held at Marytown, Libertyville, Illinois, presided over by the International President, Fr. Raffaele Di Muro, OFM Conv. In addition to reviewing the journey of the past years and looking to the future, the participants elected the President of the MI in the USA in the person of John Galten. He will be assisted by the Presidential Council made up of the following members: Michael Wick (Vice President), M. Kathleen O’ Brien (Secretary), Antonella Di Piazza, Juliann Elkinton and Roy Samson (National Director of MI Youth and Young Adults).